RMRR Episode 204 Released!

Recorded: 2023-07-10

Heath & Michael continue the Jude series with an in-depth examination of the Book of Jude starting 2/3 of the way through verse 11 and ending with verse 17. As with the first three entries into the series, the guys provide a live example of a discipleship bible study using systematic theology and plenty of revelation & prompting from the Holy Spirit. It’s a new format for a teaching to be sure, but one that we hope you will enjoy and learn from.

You can watch this episode by clicking HERE.

With Love Custom Crafts: https://withlovecustomcrafts.com/
[email protected]

ByteTag: https://shop.bytetag.co/
Promo Code: RMRR15

Redemption Squad Ministry: https://redemptionsquadministry.org
[email protected]
P.O. Box 26198
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
Call: (719) 313-8982

Valentine Comfort Shoes: http://www.valentinecomfortshoes.com/
[email protected]
2415 N. Union Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Call: (719) 471-7463

A very special shout out to Rachel Storment and Destiny Music/Destiny Church Worship for the use of their songs in today’s episode. “Doing A New Thing” is from their album, “Let The Church Say Amen“. “I Thank God“, “Rattle!“, and “Fresh Wind” are from their Live Performances on their YouTube page. Please click their links and support Rachel and Destiny Music.

Destiny Music YouTube
AppleMusic: Destiny Music
AppleMusic: Destiny Church Worship

RMRR Website: https://rmrr.live
RMRR & Waymaker Merch Store: https://shop.rmrr.live/
RMRR News & Press Release Page: https://rmrr.live/news-press-releases/
RMRR Podcast Directory Link: https://rmrr.live/2022/11/01/rmrr-available-via-podcast/
RMRR LinkTree (All The Socials): https://linktr.ee/rmrr
RMRR CashApp: https://cash.app/$RockyMtnRevivalRadio
RMRR Tithe.ly: https://tithe.ly/give?c=7239743
RMRR Venmo: http://www.venmo.com/u/RockyMtnRevivalRadio

Prayer Requests: [email protected]
Host Heath: [email protected]
Co-Host Michael: [email protected]

00:00:00 – Intro & Title Cards
00:01:14 – Welcome & Host Check-ins
00:01:46 – Mario Murillo Living Proof Tent Crusade & Catherine Mullins
00:02:51 – Housekeeping (Website, Socials, Prayer, Podcasts, Donations)
00:06:31 – Commercial: With Love Custom Crafts
00:07:17 – Commercial: ByteTag
00:09:32 – Commercial: Redemption Squad Ministry
00:11:35 – Commercial: Valentine Comfort Shoes
00:13:36 – Main Show Content/Teaching/Testimony/Etc.
01:32:45 – Michael’s Final Thoughts
01:33:45 – Closing Prayer
01:39:00 – Alter Call/Salvation Prayer
01:45:26 – Thank You & Closing Housekeeping
01:48:18 – Thank You & Sign Off
01:48:37 – Ending Credits