RMRR Episode 108 Released!

Recorded: 2022-12-19

The whole gang is back together again as they start a new series, “The Seven Mountains of Influence”. The first entry into the series deals with the Mountain of Family. They guys also bring in a little humor and Christmas to this packed episode. We also see God move live on camera as all our hosts are each touched by the Hand of God. This episode is one of our best and most impactful episodes to date. You won’t want to miss it!

Redemption Squad Ministry: https://redemptionsquadministry.org
[email protected]
P.O. Box 26198
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
(719) 313-8982

Valentine Comfort Shoes: http://www.valentinecomfortshoes.com/
[email protected]
2415 N. Union Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 471-7463

“Holy Rebel: Armed with Truth, Stand Your Ground, and Rebel Against Hell’s Agenda” by Todd & Kelly Hudnall available NOW. Foreword by Mario Murillo.

A very special shout out to Rachel Storment and Destiny Music/Destiny Church Worship for the use of their songs in today’s episode. “Doing A New Thing” is from their new album, “Let The Church Say Amen” Check it out on all your favorite music platforms. “O Come All Ye Faithful” is from their album “A Liturgy of Christmas“. “Fresh Wind” is from their Live Performances on their YouTube page. Please click their links and support Rachel and Destiny Music.

Destiny Church – Rocklin, CA (https://www.destinyonline.com/)
Destiny Music YouTube: (https://www.youtube.com/c/DestinyChurchWorship)
AppleMusic: Destiny Music (https://music.apple.com/us/artist/destiny-music/1651883373)
AppleMusic: Destiny Church Worship (https://music.apple.com/us/artist/destiny-church-worship/1077622014)

All Things RMRR:

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RMRR News & Press Release Page: https://rmrr.live/news-press-releases/
RMRR Podcast Directory Link: https://rmrr.live/2022/11/01/rmrr-available-via-podcast/
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Prayer Requests: [email protected]