RMRR Hosts Participate In Thanksgiving Outreach

RMRR Host Heath, Co-Host Ethan and RMRR Special Guest Lily joined up with Redemption Squad Ministries for another street ministry/provision box outreach on Wednesday, November 23, 2022. The volunteers met at Radiant Church’s Central Campus at 10 am for a meeting and communion before hitting the streets of Colorado Springs.

Together, the volunteer teams passed out 100 Thanksgiving themed provision boxes, complete with turkey or ham. There were so many amazing stories and testimonies of how these boxes impacted these amazing families. There were tears of joy and expressions of hope and gratitude from many of the recipients. The team even had a surprise visit from RMRR Co-Host Michael who took his lunch break from work to stop by and encourage the volunteers.

We wanted to thank Zach & Melissa of Redemption Squad Ministries for their amazing hearts and this incredible ministry. We know that their continued obedience to the Holy Spirit is making a HUGE impact in this area of Colorado Springs. It is amazing to hear how many residents of this area say that no other ministry in Colorado Springs has been in this area of town in over 10 years. The lives of these residents are truly impacted by love and hope that is given by Redemption Squad Ministries.

For more photos from the day, please check out RMRR’s Facebook Post HERE.